Direct Subtleties

Artist Joyce Lightbody
Date Oct. 19-25, 1975
Location Venice, Calif.
Type Installation

In coordination with Carp Oct. 19-25, 1975, Joyce Lightbody presented an installation of drawings, numerical and alphabetical correlations, systematically determining line placement and arrangement, along with reference charts: The presentation took place at Charles Hill's studio in Venice, Calif.

Related Projects
In a show sponsored by Carp and hosted by Joel Marshall, Alexis Smith presented an installation on the ceiling of a clean, white room, housing a maximum of two guests per viewing.
Bruce Nauman and Frank Owen teamed with Carp Oct. 30, 1975, during the West Coast premiere of their film at the Dickson Auditorium at the University of California, Los Angeles.
In coordination with Future Studio and as an installment of the Getty's Pacific Standard Time initiative, Carp revealed a selection of ephemera documenting performance and media arts by Bob Wilhite, Chris Burden, Vito Acconci, Kim Jones, Charles Christopher Hill, Alexis Smith, Richard Newton, Gordon Matta-Clark and Bruce Nauman, among other artists.