Wilshire Boulevard Walk

Artist Kim Jones
Date Jan. 26 and Feb. 4, 1976
Location Los Angeles
Type Performance, Concept

Kim Jones introduced Mudman in a performance sponsored by Carp between sunrise and sunset Jan. 26, 1976, amid his walk from east to west along Wilshire Boulevard spanning across a significant portion of the City of Los Angeles. The exhibition included a second installment Feb. 4, 1976, while Mudman completed a round trip. Countless people observed Mudman's debut.

Related Projects
Choke magazine in Fall 1976 documented artworks by Michael McMillen, Scott Grieger, Chris Burden, Billy Adler, Margaret Nielsen, Bruce Nauman, Guy de Cointet, George Herms, Tom Wudl and Edward Wortz.
Richard Sedivy with the support of Carp exhibited paintings Nov. 18-23, 1977, at 2024 Washington Blvd. in Los Angeles.
Ilene Segalove partnered with various artists and Carp June 24, 1977, during a single-day installation presenting videotaped portraits of five married couples in Los Angeles.