Conceptual Cut

Artist Gordon Matta-Clark
Date Jan. 28, 1976
Location Los Angeles
Type Concept

Carp became aware of Gordon Matta-Clark and his work through Chris Burden and became friends in the 1970s. In January 1977, Matta-Clark expressed to Carp that he wanted to do a major piece in Los Angeles where he would cut through a house prior to its demolition. The ideal site in L.A., according to Matta-Clark, would characterize a number of social urban conditions in a "part of town where people who are not out on an art tour could easily see it in passing."

Related Projects
With Carp's support, Diane Blell secured a full-page, black and white advertisement on the second page of Slash magazine, dated February 1978.
Bruce Nauman and Frank Owen teamed with Carp Oct. 30, 1975, during the West Coast premiere of their film at the Dickson Auditorium at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Peter Lodato installed two paintings for exhibition sponsored by Carp May 13-17, 1975, at Roger Wong's studio in Los Angeles.