My Word

Artist Vito Acconci
Date May 27, 1976
Location Los Angeles
Type Video

In a show sponsored by Carp at the Dickson Auditorium at the University of California, Los Angeles, Vito Acconci offered to the public 90 minutes of silent film in color with captions. The piece spanned 90 minutes.

Related Projects
Bruce Nauman and Frank Owen teamed with Carp Oct. 30, 1975, during the West Coast premiere of their film at the Dickson Auditorium at the University of California, Los Angeles.
At a party hosted by Roger Wong and sponsored by Carp Aug. 14, 1976, attendees included Barbara Burden, Marilyn Nix, Charles Christopher Hill, Michael Brewster, Carole Caroompas, Chris Burden, Bryan Hunt, Paula Sweet, Walter Wittel, Alexis Smith, Scott Grieger, Richard Newton, Brad Smith, Roger Wong, Mark Keiserman and Lowell Darling.
In his first show on the West Coast, Dennis Oppenheim presented through Carp a sequence of color slides accompanied by audio in the afternoons of April 29-30, 1977.