
Snapshot, a party at Roger Wong's studio in Los Angeles Aug. 14, 1976, brought together a dozen or so friends of Carp through a collection of photographs, providing to attendees opportunities to explore the private lives of artists and their friends. The party, according to an announcement by Carp, did not constitute an exhibition: "These photographs are not meant to be representational works of art or even 'photographs' as referred to in the aesthetic vernacular. Just snapshots taken for personal, sentimental reasons, with no prior plan to exhibit them as art works." Partiers included Barbara Burden, Marilyn Nix, Charles Christopher Hill, Michael Brewster, Carole Caroompas, Chris Burden, Bryan Hunt, Paula Sweet, Walter Wittel, Alexis Smith, Scott Grieger, Richard Newton, Brad Smith, Roger Wong, Mark Keiserman and Lowell Darling.