
Artist Michael Brewster
Date Jan. 28-30, 1977
Location San Francisco
Type Performance, Sound

Michael Brewster teamed with Carp Jan. 28-30, 1977, during a site-specific soundwork installed in the 1928 pedestrian tunnel where Taraval Street meets the Lower Great Highway in San Francisco. Visitors approached and departed the beach area through said tunnel, wired by Brewster for sound. The Museum of Conceptual Art also supported the piece.

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Choke magazine in Fall 1976 documented artworks by Michael McMillen, Scott Grieger, Chris Burden, Billy Adler, Margaret Nielsen, Bruce Nauman, Guy de Cointet, George Herms, Tom Wudl and Edward Wortz.
Tom Marioni teamed with Terry Fox in action in cooperation with the Museum of Conceptual Art and Carp: The performance comprised of music, began at 10 p.m. May 30, 1975, and spanned a half-hour at Roger Wong's studio in Los Angeles.
Kim Jones debuted Mudman Jan. 26, 1976, during a performance sponsored by Carp.