Chicken Boy

Artist Charles Christopher Hill
Date April 7, 1977
Location Los Angeles
Type Performance, Video

Charles Christopher Hill presented a selection of short films in a public showing sponsored by Carp at the Dickson Auditorium at the University of California, Los Angeles. The films covered works by the artist from 1969 to 1977.

Related Projects
Gordon Matta-Clark expressed to Carp in 1977 that he wanted to do a major piece in Los Angeles where he would cut through a house prior to its demolition.
In a show sponsored by Carp at the Dickson Auditorium at the University of California, Los Angeles, Vito Acconci presented a silent film in color with captions to the public.
Richard Sedivy with the support of Carp exhibited paintings Nov. 18-23, 1977, at 2024 Washington Blvd. in Los Angeles.