A New Projection Project

Artist Dennis Oppenheim
Date April 29-30, 1977
Location Venice, Calif.
Type Installation, Sound

In his first show on the West Coast, Dennis Oppenheim presented through Carp a sequence of color slides accompanied by audio in the afternoons of April 29-30, 1977. A grant by the National Endowment for the Arts partly funded Oppenheim's installation in Venice, Calif.

Related Projects
In a show sponsored by Carp at the Dickson Auditorium at the University of California, Los Angeles, Vito Acconci presented a silent film in color with captions to the public.
Joyce Lightbody in coordination with Carp Oct. 19-25, 1975, presented an installation of drawings, numerical and alphabetical correlations systematically determining line placement and arrangement, with reference charts.
In both his first show in California and coordination with Carp, Vito Acconci installed color slides and 8mm film, and projected them to two of the upper corners of a clean, white, rectangular and darkened room.