The Citadel

Artist Chris Burden
Date Aug. 8-12, 1978
Location Los Angeles
Type Performance, Installation, Concept

Chris Burden presented a massive assembly of starships from throughout the universe Aug. 8-12, 1978, in a piece sponsored by Carp and installed at Robert Wilhite's Studio in Los Angeles. Guests had received invitations for admission to the installation, investigating The Citadel—an inexplicably infinite wall.

Related Projects
At a party hosted by Roger Wong and sponsored by Carp Aug. 14, 1976, attendees included Barbara Burden, Marilyn Nix, Charles Christopher Hill, Michael Brewster, Carole Caroompas, Chris Burden, Bryan Hunt, Paula Sweet, Walter Wittel, Alexis Smith, Scott Grieger, Richard Newton, Brad Smith, Roger Wong, Mark Keiserman and Lowell Darling.
Peter Lodato installed two paintings for exhibition sponsored by Carp May 13-17, 1975, at Roger Wong's studio in Los Angeles.
Michael Brewster teamed with Carp Jan. 28-30, 1977, during a site-specific soundwork installed in the 1928 pedestrian tunnel where Taraval Street meets the Lower Great Highway in San Francisco.